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Supporting families through transitionary periods in early childhood education

Supporting families through transitionary periods in early childhood education

The end of the year brings much excitement – especially in early learning centres. Talk of Santa, Christmas and holidays brings a wave of anticipation and excitement for what’s the come.

While this is a happy time of year, it can also be met with apprehension as many children will transition out of their current areas in their early learning centres.

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It’s time to get cracking on Christmas

It’s time to get cracking on Christmas

“Christmas trees and food are already in the shops! It’s too early!” These are the words often uttered around this time of year, every year.

While many of us think it’s too early, life does get busy around this time of year. Before we know it, it’s two weeks until Christmas and we realise maybe starting our shopping and festivity planning early may not have been a terrible idea after all.

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Wood vs plastic: Let’s settle the score

Wood vs plastic: Let’s settle the score

Often associated with being better quality, more aesthetically appealing and aligning with pedagogies such as Montessori, the popularity of  quality wooden toys has soared in recent years. Bright colours, plastic and battery-operated gadgets have taken a backseat, and wooden toys are now – more often than not – taking pride of place in homes and early learning centres.

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Friendships and wellbeing: How you can achieve harmony in your early learning environment

Friendships and wellbeing: How you can achieve harmony in your early learning environment

There’s nothing more rewarding for an educator than seeing beautiful friendships and bonds form between the children in their early learning environment. For some children however, if they’re timid around others or apprehensive about being away from their parents, forming friendships can be difficult.

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less insta more reality

Less Insta, more reality: Why ‘less is more’ in an early learning environment

If you follow a bunch of play accounts and shops on Instagram, have you ever felt a bit overwhelmed by the elaborate play set-ups and shiny new product?Have you ever felt ‘FOMO’ (fear of missing out) because you haven’t snagged the latest trendy product for your early learning centre? Thanks to the Internet, we’ve been conditioned to believe that newest is best, and more is best.

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