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Friendships and wellbeing: How you can achieve harmony in your early learning environment

Friendships and wellbeing: How you can achieve harmony in your early learning environment

There’s nothing more rewarding for an educator than seeing beautiful friendships and bonds form between the children in their early learning environment. For some children however, if they’re timid around others or apprehensive about being away from their parents, forming friendships can be difficult.

less insta more reality

Less Insta, more reality: Why ‘less is more’ in an early learning environment

If you follow a bunch of play accounts and shops on Instagram, have you ever felt a bit overwhelmed by the elaborate play set-ups and shiny new product?Have you ever felt ‘FOMO’ (fear of missing out) because you haven’t snagged the latest trendy product for your early learning centre? Thanks to the Internet, we’ve been conditioned to believe that newest is best, and more is best.

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