Exploring Emotions Book Pack (6 pack)
$ 189.00 Ex GST
$207.90 including GST
Set includes:
Angry as a Lion
Leo has a fiery temper: as soon as anything bothers him, he bursts out in anger! But one day, his anger literally comes out to face him… A profound story about accepting our emotions. A 32 page book that helps manage the difficulties of every day in a positive way.
Disgusted as a Toad
Toad is really finicky: there is not a single thing that he does not dislike! One fine day, however, a little something unexpected will teach him to recognise the wonder of his surroundings. A book dedicated to the value of small things.
Timid as a Bear
Bear is very timid. He's afraid to talk even to his friends and prefers to be alone. One day he goes in search of his timidity… A sweet story about accepting and dealing with shyness and the importance of feelings.
Jealous as an Orangutan
Orangutan jealously guards his things and never lets anyone near them. Then, with the help of friendship, he discovers that sharing is the greatest gift of all. A sweet story about understanding what is important.
Fearful as a Wolf
Wolf is always fearful. The fear twists his stomach in knots, makes his nose itch and causes his ears to tremble. When he gets lost in the forest, though, he joins forces with a new friend and learns how to conquer his fears!
Happy as a Chick
Little Chick is just beginning to explore the world, so full of creatures and experiences waiting to be discovered. But Chick discovers that no matter how exciting new things are, they're not quite as much fun alone. Happiness is best when shared with others. A sweet story about the joy of being part of a loving family and the magic bond between a child and their mother.
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