Our top picks for enrichment activities and resources - Step4
Our top picks for enrichment activities and resources

Our top picks for enrichment activities and resources

Enrichment takes place in early learning centre’s every single day. Whether it’s as simple as introducing a new food dish, or a structured activity that encourages developing new interests and skills, opportunities for enrichment are everywhere.

We’ve compiled our top picks for enrichment activities by age group, and the resources that complement them perfectly.


Tummy time is, of course, one of the most valuable activities for a young baby. It encourages neck, back and shoulder muscle development, as well as curiosity about their new environment. For young babies in your centre, we recommend a tummy time mirror. Most families would opt for toys and a mat at home, so a mirror adds variety into a baby’s tummy time routine in their early learning centre. As the baby gets older and their eyesight improves, a mirror is a great tool for encouraging curiosity about the lights, shadows and reflections mirrors create.

Our recommendations: Natureplay Sit At Mirror Divider or the Three Way Mirror

1-2 year-olds

Encourage problem-solving from a young age with puzzles. Giving toddlers puzzles assists with their visual-motor integration. Although the puzzles may be a new concept and frustrating at the start for many toddlers, you’ll be amazed at how quickly they adapt and competently begin to piece everything together. Age-appropriate puzzle types include simple shape sorting, animal recognition and colour matching puzzles.

Our recommendations: Geo Puzzle, Real Life Giant Puzzles or Toddler Farm Animals Puzzles

2-4 year-olds

Outdoor play is a no-brainer for enrichment, and something you’d already be doing every day. Taking children outside aids with gross motor development, promotes curiosity, encourages imaginative play and even risk taking and assessment depending on the equipment you choose.

Our recommendations

For risk tasking: Children’s Play Triangle or the Creep N Crawl

For imaginative play: Timber Activity Playhouse or the Natureplay Sand and Water Tray & Stand

For gross motor development: Five Pole Ring Toss or Giant Outdoor Abacus

4-5 year-olds

Arts and crafts activities become a bit more advanced at this age, with many creations made as a group to be used in imaginative play. For example, spaceships, houses and cars are common group creations. These whole-group activities build a sense of camaraderie, assist to develop problem solving skills and give children a sense of accomplishment and self-esteem boost when they finish the task. While there are many resources that can be purchased, never underestimate the power of cardboard boxes, paper towel and toilet rolls brought in by families. They provide a great base for any activity.

Our recommendations

Jumbo Fingerpaint Cars – great to use later for imaginative play, Large Collage Letters – a fun way to aid with early literacy

Need a resource refresh across your early learning centre? We’d love to help! Visit www.step4.com.au or call 1300 720 353.

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