How to Select Learning Resources that Align with the EYLF - Step4
How to Select Learning Resources that Align with the EYLF

How to Select Learning Resources that Align with the EYLF

Making purchases for your new or existing early learning service can be a costly and sometimes time-consuming process and it is vitally important that when making these decisions you ensure they are worthwhile and align with the Early Years Learning Framework.


Work with a supplier who knows our industry

There are many suppliers out there that are not looking at early learning service’s best interest to ensure the products they supply align with the EYLF. Finding a provider that understands the needs of a service is so important as they can guide you, providing information on how each of their products can meet the learning outcomes and show you how to use them. When a supplier understands the Framework and our requirements as educators you can greatly reassured that the products they are supplying you are reliable and fit a cause.

Consider the use

When purchasing consider the EYLF and how a resource may fit in with various learning outcomes. What outcomes are you hoping to achieve with the resource?  Is the resource going to be useful and practical in a variety of ways and age groups within the service? Does it assist the service in meeting more than one Learning Outcome? Will it allow for both child led and intentional teaching experiences with the possibility of continuing the children’s learning? The more you reflect on these types of questions the easier decisions on purchasing will become.

Have a clear understanding of the EYLF outcomes and Principals

If you ensure you understand the Early Years Learning Framework and the principals that relate you will have a greater likelihood of understanding how your purchases will align. Become familiar with the concepts such as Belonging, Being and Becoming and how your purchases will be used to tie back into this.

Respect for Diversity

When making purchasing decision it is vital that you ensure the products you are purchasing are respectful of the diversity within your service. Include multicultural resources that can be used on a day-to-day basis and respect the cultures and beliefs held by the families and community you cater for. Ensure resources are respectful of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities and allow you to embed culture into the program and not simply create a tokenistic approach.

Development and Interest

When purchasing resources, you should be considering the children you are purchasing for. Their ages, level of development and how challenging the equipment will be will need to guide your decision-making process. Having a solid understanding of the children in your care will mean you will easily be able to identify what learning resources will be beneficial and useful. Be aware of the children’s interest and ensure the resources are child focus in purchasing – not only are you meeting the requirements of the EYLF in this way, you are increasing the chances of your purchase being popular within your group!





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