How to make your Early Learning Service stand out - Step4
How to make your Early Learning Service stand out

How to make your Early Learning Service stand out

The early learning industry is a competitive one and its important to make your service stand out to prospective families who tour your facility quickly.

Here are 3 things you can do in your Service to stand out amongst others.

1.  Aesthetically pleasing, functional environment

One of the very first influences on service selection for prospective families will be how your service looks. Ensure your service is stocked with high quality, functional furniture throughout that is well suited to the environment and the children you cater for. For families, you can imagine it could be like looking through a variety of cookie cut outs of the last centre they looked at.

Customised furniture is a great idea to boost the aesthetic appeal of your service and will allow you design a space that will be unlike any other the family has explored before, while you ensure the furniture perfectly suits the design of the centre – whether it be colour, design, space restrictions or specific needs such as the height or shape. Finding a supplier who can work with you on this is a great starting point, where you can discuss the needs and design preferences to make your centre stand out from the rest.

2.  Resources

When families are on the search for a care facility for their child, they will be looking for what you can offer their child by way of education and of care. The resources you supply will be a selling point and pivotal in their decision-making process. Ensure your service has ample resources that have the children engaged and provide a discussion point for your touring families.

Encourage your staff to work with families to draw children in using the high-quality resources that children will interact with during a tour which can make a child want to return to begin the care journey with your service.

3.  Atmosphere

Many families will select their child’s service based on the “feel” of the environment. This will often include how the children are responding to the environment – are they crying and unhappy or peaceful and interacting? Is it noisy and busy or calm and relaxed with children who are actively engaged?

Families will be seeking out feedback from what they can see and feel during their initial visits at the service and a well-run service will demonstrate whether it a good fit or not for them. Try essential oils and tranquil music as well as displays that show what your service offers.


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