Easter activities for your Early Learning Centre - Step4
Easter activities for your Early Learning Centre

Easter activities for your Early Learning Centre

It’s hard to believe Easter has rolled around already! Easter is an exciting time in Early Learning Centre’s. Children are excited about the treats and the Easter Bunny – he may even be making an appearance in your Early Learning Centre!

So, with Easter just around the corner, what are some activities you can do to drive enthusiasm amongst your group? We’ve put together a list of ideas that’ll have you thinking outside the box.

  1. Easter themed sensory bins

Sensory bins are great for any age! For younger children, add green-dyed pasta to resemble grass, large plastic Easter eggs and even bunny figurines. Encourage them to experience the texture of the ‘grass’ as well as exploring the sounds a bunny might make.

For older children, why not make it a craft activity? Think of a theme, perhaps ‘Easter bunny’s home’. Encourage the children to make their own grass with paper, build a house with blocks and even add in some water for an extra special sensory experience. The more imagination, the better!

  1. Easter egg hunt

While it’s nothing original, this is a sure-fire favourite amongst children everywhere! How can you make it simple for your team, but inclusive for all children in your Centre? What about a twist on the traditional chocolate hunting and turn it into a craft activity?

Give each child a few oval-shaped loose parts – pine cones, polystyrene balls or even bark – and encourage them to paint and add other craft materials to them. After that, they’ll be able to enjoy hunting for them. The decorated pieces can easily be recycled for other activities, or be used as a nice keepsake for children to take home to their loved ones for Easter.

  1. Easter scavenger hunt

This is a great activity for toddlers developing word recognition. Place some Easter-related objects such as toy bunnies, eggs and chickens and ask the children to go and point them out. This aids with object recognition, language development and builds the ability to follow simple instructions.

For older children, this could again be a great craft activity. Print outlines of bunnies, eggs and chickens and allow the children to use their creativity. Then, find defining characteristics (e.g. what colour the objects are) and instruct the children to find each object. For example, “go and find the pink egg” or “go and find the bunny with spots.”

  1. Easter themed baking

This activity can be tailored to most age groups! For the older children in your Centre, purchase some egg or bunny shaped cookie cutters and get them to assist in this way. Then, pass the baked cookies onto the younger children in your Centre for decorating and share in a Centre-wide Easter afternoon tea.

Alternatively, for simplicity, using pre-made biscuits, encourage every child across the Centre to decorate their own.

Need some activity inspiration for your early learning Centre? Want guidance on a new suite of resources? Visit www.step4.com.au or email sales@step4.com.au to get started.

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